3 Demographic questions
7 psycho graphic questions
How many times do you do to live music event a year?
What is your favorite rock/metal band/artist?
What kind of free gift would attract you to buy a magazine?
How many hours a week do you listen to music?
What is your favourite brand?
How much money do you spend on music per year?
How do you listen to music?
For my first question of 'How old are you.' I got 100% of people saying they were between the ages of 14-18. This meaning my magazine should be focused on that age range and should feature iconography associated with that age group
For my second question of 'What is your gender' I got 66% as female and 33% as male. This will influence my magazine to make it more focused on female rock fans rather than males.
For my third question of ' What is your minimum income a month at the moment?' the majority said they have no income however the remainder was £80,£200 and £2000
For my fourth question of 'What is your favourite Rock/metal band/artist?' I got a mixture of results and only two were the same, that being Royal Blood which could be one of the feature stories on my magazine front cover. The other responses were Deuce, Avenged Sevenfold, Led Zeppelin, Falling In Reverse, ACDC, Of Mice & Men and Bring Me The Horizon which all appeared only once. Considering most of them are bands my front cover will feature a band rather than a solo artist.
My fifth question was 'How many times do you go to live music event a year?' where 77% said between 0-2, 11% for 3-5 and another 11% for 6 or more. From this I'll add a story about music event dates and information.
My sixth question was 'What kind of free gift would attract you to buy a magazine?' the responses were CD's which appeared 4 times, vouchers which appeared twice, posters that appeared twice and perfume which appeared once. The free gift with my magazine will then be CD rather than anything else as it is the most wanted.
My seventh question was 'How many hours a week do you listen to music? ' and 22% said 0-5, 55% said 11-15 and 22% said 16 or more
My eighth question was 'What is your favorite brand?' and the responses were Adidas which appeared twice, Topshop, Apple, Asylum, Drop Dead, Converse and Vans. I will be sure to use these brands for my magazine.
My ninth question was 'How much money do you spend on music per year?' and the responses were 6 people saying they sent less than £100, and three people saying they spent between £100-£200
My final question was 'How do you regularly listen to music?' and 88% said phone while 11% said other.
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